Our Sire Furst Alfred Von Den Lahnhohen & Dam Zelda Vom Kuckucksland come from world-class GSD V & VA rated IPO3 & Koer Klass 1. They are rated as some of the top dogs in the world.
ACA Pure German Shepherds is located in IL and Offers Pure Breed German Shepherds for Sale that are AKC registered with a written guarantee throughout the United States.
We offer to ship nationwide and provide delivery services.
Our brand is for serious German Shepherd Enthusiasts who are committed to maintaining these world-class pedigrees.
The bloodlines and show lines expressed in these coveted Vorzuglich Auslese “Excellent Select” and Vorzuglich “Excellent” ratings are borne out in puppies that are stunningly beautiful and agile, highly intelligent, and structurally correct, with superb and predictable temperament; everything a quality a German Shepherd Dog should be.