Six Benefits of Redcurrant The Perfect Tonic For Digestive Organs
Today I want to introduce you to berries that you may never hear about it, but it works as the perfect tonic for digestive organs.
The berries are called Red Current (Scientific name: Ribes Rubrum).
If you have a piece of land in your backyard, why wouldn’t you plant plants that have health benefits and will make you do something with your own hands and see it’s growing?
I live in the Mid-West and sometimes I have 8+ hours of work on the computer. My way to recharge & relieve stress is to take care of my plants.
Each plant has its own health benefits. Some less, some more.
Today I want to share with you 6 Health Benefits of Red Currant, the ruby red delicious European berries.
Redcurrant is a great source of antioxidants such as vitamin C and manganese.
Antioxidants protect the body from the effects of oxidative stress, which may help strengthen the immune system and ward off diseases.
1. Boost your Blood
Redcurrant is a good source of iron, which is essential for the formation of red blood cells.
2. Strengthen Immune System
In the era of coronavirus, using red currants to build your immune system is especially beneficial for your health. Redcurrant is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, nourishing it to prevent the body from succumbing to viral and bacterial attacks. It prevents not only common colds but also gives the body the ability to fight against the formation of certain kinds of cancers. Vitamin C plays an antioxidant role in the respiratory tract, thus a source of relief for asthmatics. Vitamin C contained in redcurrant also contains anti-histamine properties, which prevent and reduce the effect of allergies.
3. Constipation
These little red berries are fairly large doses of fiber content. Fiber is an essential part of a balanced diet that promotes regular bowel movements by soaking up water in the lower digestive tract and physically cleaning and pushing out waste.
4. Heart Health
Potassium present in redcurrant is a heart-healthy mineral that plays an important role in cardiovascular health. It also helps prevent hypertension and lowers blood pressure. Potassium is also great for other body organs including the kidney and is known to reduce the risk of strokes as well.
5. Weight Loss
Redcurrants are low in calories, with only 63 per cup. They are also low in fat and high in dietary fiber, making them ideal weight-loss food.
6. Beautiful Skin Redcurrant is packed with nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. Redcurrant is rich in B vitamins and Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights and even reverses free radical damage in skin cells. You can see the visible results on the skin of your face by applying for 7 days, 20 minutes a day mask made out of a few crushed berries, or using raw juice of the berries and rubbing gently into your skin. your skin will look younger and tighter!
Redcurrant fruit is recommended for:
- Lack of appetite
- Convalescence from fever & infectious diseases
- Rheumatism & gout
- Kidney stones
Red currant can be eaten fresh, in jam, in syrup. or in juice with no other limit than appetite. 🙂
Stop Wasting Time and Start Eating Tomatoes

After the Potato, Tomatoes are the most popular plant of the botanical family Solanaceae. Tomato was originated in western South America and Central America. From there, tomatoes were introduced to other parts of the European-colonized world during the 16th century.
The healing power of tomatoes exercises on some of the very common disorders.
The preventative effect of tomatoes on certain types of cancer, especially prostate cancer, makes this fruit/vegetable a universally recognized medicinal food.
In spite of its acidic taste, the tomato has an alkalizing effect on the blood, organic tissues, and the urine, because it contains much more alkalizing substances (mineral slats) than acids.
Properties of tomato:
- Tomato has a lot of water. (94% of its weight)
- Tomato has a lot of vitamin C (19.1mg/100g)
- Vitamins B1, B2, B6, niacin, and folates are present in significant amounts
- Vitamin A is present (62ug RE/100g)
- It has a lot of Potassium (222mg/100g)
- It has a decent amount of Iron (0.45mg/100g), which is about 9 times as much as milk (0.45gm/100g)
- It has Magnesium & Phosphorus.
- It has vegetable soluble fiber (1.1%)
- It has organic acids, mainly malic & oxalic, and contributes to the tomato’s unique flavor. As tomato ripens, its sugar content increases & the amount of these acids decreases.
- Lycopene, an extremely potent antioxidant, gives tomatoes the typical red color.
I. Tomato lowers the risk of Prostate cancer.
A variety of studies conducted at Harvard University have shown that males who regularly eat fresh tomato, as well as tomato sauce or juice, are at a much lower risk of prostate cancer.
II. Tomato is an excellent blood “cleanser”.
III. Tomato help facilitate the work of the kidneys.
IV. Tomato strengthens the immune system, because of its richness in vitamins, minerals & antioxidants carotenoids.
V. Arteriosclerosis. Because of their antioxidant effect, tomatoes help to prevent arteriosclerosis.
Most of the Tomatoes that you get from the store have a very questionable effect on your health because of the pesticide content, added different colorants during wintertime, and other chemical processing that helps to prolong their shelf life.
Only if you eat fresh and organic tomatoes, only then it can have the best effect on your health.
I wish you to have Siberian health, long life… and eat more fresh sun ripe tomatoes!