Category Archives: Public Speaking

Top 10 Reasons Every Child Should Learn Leadership Skills

It’s so extremely important to develop leadership skills at an early age. The benefits of having leadership skills are crucial for each child. Why? Here is why.

To develop control of their lives.
Learning leadership skills allows a child to see opportunities where other children wouldn’t see them because they develop different mindsets with the habit to think critically and act effectively.

To build self-confidence.
The time it takes to develop self-confidence is different in each child because it depends on their childhood experiences, parenting habits, communication with other kids, and relationship with teachers at the pre-school or child care. And for each child it takes a different amount of time to build, or to be more exact, to reestablish the natural self-confidence that each child initially born with.

To solve problems creatively.
The ability to solve problems creatively doesn’t come immediately although it can be developed with time, proper exercises, and training. The earlier your child starts training, the earlier it will come.

To withstand bullies.
If your child comes to school with a good amount of self-confidence and self-defense and leadership skills, bullies will leave your child alone because they will not offend a child who knows how to deal with bullies and defend themselves.

To lead the team.
It takes time to learn how to lead others with the right tasks and ideas. The earlier your child gets involved in such activities, the better they become as they get older.

To learn how to lead the conversation with difficult children and adults.
This is an important skill for every person. And the best time to start learning about it, while in childhood. These exercises help your child to feel in control while dealing with difficult individuals.

To learn how to make decisions in difficult situations.
These are also trainable skills that can be developed in any child with the use of proper training.

To learn public speaking skills.
The more your child speaks in front of others, the better and more comfortable he or she will be at public speaking. Your child will learn to manage different types of audiences and what to say to rude individuals.

To learn how to negotiate and delegate things to others.
This is a fun skill, that develops during the practice inside to the family or at the leadership classes for children.

Leadership skills give many opportunities in life to your child that are not available to those who don’t have developed their leadership skills. With this being said, sign up for leadership classes and see your child growing into a confident and positive leader.

How to regain your childhood self-confidence?

How To Regain Your Childhood Self-Confidence?

How can you achieve that?

This is the story of my life.

Before I went to school, I was a happy & lively child. 

At school, I got bullied by some peers that would make fun of me, simply because I was different. And I often just staid by myself, and listened to music that played in my head.

Because I didn’t fit into the crowd, and I liked to be by myself, or with one of my few friends that I still have today.  

I had a good voice and would frequently sing and play the piano, perform at the different city events, while attending the school of music, with a full-time curriculum.

In my regular school I was an introvert: closed and not social. 

Paradoxically, when I would attend the school of music, in the blink of an eye, I would immediately be transformed into a happy, lively, and outgoing extrovert leader!

But not every child has this opportunity.

With this being said, my best advice to you based on my own childhood experience is:

1. Do the “I am Mary”  exercise for 5 minutes every day. 

 2. If as a child you didnot learn how to defend yourself verbally, with humor or verbally, it’s never too late to join my individual or group leadership classes where your child will learn unique technics on how to regain self-confidence, to build communication skills, and learn to take action.

If you have a child with low self-confidence, it’s your responsibility as a parent, before they go to school, to train them to defend themself with verbally, with humor, or physically using different technics.

By the time they go to school, children should have smart templates in their heads (just memorize them) and be able to provide an immediate intellectual or physical defense to bullies and abusive children.

Sign them up for judo or karate classes. It will definitely boost their self-confidence. 

3. Create a vision board, where your child can pin the pictures where he/she looks as fearless winners. Leave it next to their bed. This way, every time your child enters their room they will see their positive and encouraging images. 

The purpose of all technics is to prepare your child to take action against bullies, abusive and toxic children.

These technics will perfectly work for adults as well.

Gradually, your child will learn to stand up for himself/herself and their values. And all bullies gradually will leave them alone and your child will gain the respect of their peers and will win the battle. 

What are the 15 things that contribute to good social & leadership skills in children?

Today I want to share with you 15 things that contribute to good social &   leadership skills in children.

What are of these skills you are able to recognize in your child?

  1. A child makes frequent eye contact when interacting with others.
  2. He/she smiles when he/she greets and talks with others.
  3. He/she shows interest in others by asking what they have been doing, how their day is going, and other similar things.
  4. He/she shows appreciation for and praises what others do.
  5. He/she understands the basic feelings of others.
  6. He/she listens attentively when others speak.
  7. He/she is able to focus on what others are saying
  8. A Child asks someone with ease to do something or to help with something.
  9. He/she doesn’t feel uncomfortable if he/she has to apologize for a mistake.
  10. He/she takes the initiative to make friends.
  11. A child is first to initiate a conversation with someone.
  12. He/she doesn’t feel shy or shame to recognize that they don’t know about something.
  13.  He/she doesn’t feel shy or shame to ask questions.
  14.  A child influences other kids rather than getting influenced by others.
  15.  A child has rich imaginations and leads out in the games.

Good social & Leadership skills are important in all aspects of your life. The most important way to improve your social & leadership skills is by getting out there and practicing them or join the A+ Smart Little Leaders™ course.

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  The Human brain is similar to the Universe! This is the most mysterious and undiscovered organ that humans have been gifted with.

Personally, I believe that the popular statement that humans use only 4-5 % of their brains is one of the greatest delusions of humanity. Go and try to find who made this delusional statement and you will not find it.

Now, many leading neuroscientists around the world agree unanimously that the human brain has tremendous potential and is capable to perform incredible tasks.

I am saying this because if someone ever tells your child: “You can’t do that!”, walk away from that “prophet.”

The dilemma is that humans can’t comprehend what great things the human brain is capable of doing. Often, because most of us like to believe in stereotypes that are presented by the mass media. We have a tendency to trust someone we don’t know, rather than to trust ourselves and to learn to listen to our intuition.

Do you remember, what one of the greatest scientists of all time, Albert Einstein said about intuition? He said: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift…”

When we talk about physiology and children’s psychology, a child’s behavior and intellect, there are several very important considerations: Boys and girls are not only different physically but develop differently neurologically.

At about 5 months of age while in the mother’s Uterus, all babies receive an amazing hormone bath.

Male babies receive one bath of hormones, while female babies receive two baths of hormones.

And that’s why the female babies left and right brains are interconnected,  whereas the male babies’ brain is one sided.

Girls from their birth have more advanced social maturity than do the boys.

Sex differences in the brain are also reflected in a different developmental schedule for the girls and boys.

By most measures of sensory and cognitive development, girls are slightly more advanced; the vision, hearing, memory, smell, and touch are all more acute in female than male infants. They have more advanced verbal skills.

Girl babies also tend to be somewhat more socially adapted.

          And now we come to the important question: When do children, actually start developing social skills and showing their leadership skills?

It is obvious that a good leader has good social skills.

Social skills are those we use to communicate and to interact with each other, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language, and our demeanor.

And leadership skills are those we use to lead others, in order to reach shared goals.

Children who have inherited good social & leadership skills will easily and naturally get along with their peers as well as with adults and are able to create and maintain satisfying relationships as adults.

At what age does a child start developing Social & showing Leadership skills?

I would say that the child’s initial interaction begins in the uterus when the unborn baby learns to interact with its mother.

The child’s developmental interaction really starts, when he/she learns to walk and to talk. Most children have their individual time when they are ready to socialize with other children, and this may be around the age of 3 to 4 years of age.

It also depends on what kind of temperament the child has inherited: extroverts such as choleric and sanguine, or introverts such as melancholic and phlegmatic, a male or female.

It’s scientifically proven that girls develop earlier than boys physically and academically. We know that girls have their menses between 12 and 15 years of age, while the boys develop from 15 through 18 years of age.

Good social & leaders skills are important in all aspects of your child’s life.

The most important way to improve social & leadership skills in your child is by getting out there and practicing them or seek help from a specialist who specializes in leadership development in children and join the A+ Smart Little Leaders™ course.

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 By Aelita Archbold

 We live in a dangerous society where always something negative happens.

As parents, we have a tendency to overprotect our children and I am not an exception.

It’s not an easy task for parents to keep a healthy balance between not enough protection and overprotection.

How do we find the golden middle?

From the height of my experience, I would suggest, every day, at the dining table find time to talk to them.

Create a challenge for your children where your children will have to make a choice, to find the right solution, and report to you the results.

 At the end of the day bring them all to the table and break down the situation.

Let their voice be heard first.

Then, give your opinion on what was great and what areas need improvement.

 Help them to acknowledge what they did great and what they need to improve.  Do that nicely and tactfully. Never tell them only negative things they did or you can ruin their self-confidence for life!

Then you analyze and conclude.

Always allow your children to brainstorm the possible situation from different angles. There is no right or wrong.

The next time when they face a different challenge they will be ready for it and will know how to handle it.

 As a parent, be the best friend and phycologist to your own children.

 This way you will be able to create trust with your children and prepare them for real-life situations.

  If they respect you and your opinion and they will see the proof of your words in real life, they will not seek someone else’s help to solve the problem.

 This activity with your children will help you to develop a close and trusted relationship with your children and help to grow them into self-confident leaders.

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