Category Archives: Public Speaking


First of all, what is the definition of a Leader?

A leader is a confident and courageous person with the ability to make difficult decisions while at the same time setting a good example for others to follow while taking responsibility for the final result.

They are individuals who set clear goals, detailed plans, and have a vision for success.

Usually, a child who is born with leadership skills will not seek attention from others. Other children will come to play with them because he/she will be the one who comes up with fun games and other creative ideas.

Children who are born leaders are very outgoing, want to know everything, constantly ask questions, and always want to be first in anything they do.

Each parent’s dream is to have children who are achievers, persistent, motivated, well-spoken, and outgoing.

If you want to know if your child is a leader or not, just observe how your child interacts with others, what types of games he/she likes to play.

If both you, the parent, and your child desires to become a leader, here are a few ways to accomplish that.

The most important for you is to understand that becoming a leader is a mental process that takes time, guidance, and patience.

A+ Smart Little Leaders program was specially designed for children who want to become leaders and develop their own leadership skills.

This course can aid your child in deciding if they should choose a leadership path in their future or not.

Regardless, having a set of leadership skills can be very useful, because it can make their future life less stressful and more successful.

If your child is a born leader, he/she will easily get attention from their peers, easily meet with children their own age, and quickly establish communication with their peers.

But what if your child is not that sociable but wants to become a leader?

What must he/she do? Is this even possible?

How can you help your child to develop leadership skills?

9 Ways You Can Help Your Child to Develop Leadership Skills

1. Show support & encouragement to your child. Have a positive attitude toward your child. Praise your child more than you scold him/her.

2. Use good humor in your communication with your child. Doing that will make it easier to go over negative obstacles in your child’s behavior.

3. Respect your child’s opinion. Right or wrong, your child has the right to have his/her opinion. If you think his/her opinion is wrong, you have to correct it softly using humor and by your own example. Remember to praise your child for speaking out, because it takes courage for your child to express their own opinion at an early age. It is good to know that the ability for your child to have his/her own opinion is a sign of a future leader.

4. Every day show love and kindness to your child. Be affectionate with kisses and hugs, and express how much you love him/her.

5. Invite your child to communicate with adults as well. For example, when you are visiting your friend or when you are at a store. Allow your child to ask questions and treat him/her equally during the conversation.

6. Support the hobby of your child. If your child likes sports, computer robotics, drawing, singing, acting, crafting take him/her to a YMCA or a Park District where you can find these classes. Take him/her to different talent contests, theaters, concerts. There your child can interact with like-minded children while learning new things and having fun. Take your child to the library. At the library, you can find many exciting activities that your child will enjoy.

7. Take your child to the leadership classes that teach such important skills such as public speaking.

8. Teach your child how to set goals and achieve them. Your child will learn to be responsible. Don’t use discouraging phrases such as: “you can’t do this, you will not be able to do this, it’s too hard for you, you are not smart enough, why do you need this, you don’t know how to do this.”

9. Develop an Initiative for your child.

Allow your child to plan and make a decision while wisely guiding them in the right direction. This way your child can be proud that he or she made this decision on their own.

As a mother or a father, you should initiate positive behavior in your child. When he/she starts the task, always encourage your child to complete it.

As a mother, I had questions myself: Are my son’s leaders or not?

To make things easier for you, I included in the link below is a simple Leadership Quiz for your child.

If your child has a strong desire to become a leader, has clear goals, determination, a sharp mind, and a plan in place, in spite of their temperament type, a child can become a leader. It may take more work for those who are phlegmatic and melancholics. Help them to work on persistence, determination, and self-discipline and sign up today for A+ Smart Little Leaders classes and win.

©2020 All right Reserved


Ask your child this question: “What would you like to be: a leader or a follower?

There are very few children who would say that they want to be a follower.

There are four fundamental personality types: Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric & Melancholic. As you know, there are no children and no adults who are 100% Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric & Melancholic. As a rule, every human is a mixture of 2 or even 3 personality types. According to some people, there is no need to develop leadership skills in children who are Phlegmatic and Melancholic dominant. What makes them believe this?

Before I share with you examples of famous Phlegmatic & Melancholics, I want to state that if every child would go through a leadership development program like A+ Smart Little Leaders, the life of that child would be much easier. A class that is designed to develop leadership skills in 5 to 13 + children can provide necessary leadership skills that bolster the child’s confidence to succeed in life in what they want to do and to stay confident and open-minded with the mindset of a leader.

Every child on Earth wants to be confident in what he/she does and only the mindset of a leader and development of leadership skills can provide this. So regardless of the temperament type of a child, they deserve an opportunity to succeed.

Now, as I promised, here is an example of a famous Phlegmatic & Melancholics:

Michael Jackson, Chester Bennington, Carrey Mulligan, Natalie Portman, Johnny Depp, Princess Diana, Hale Berry, Ralph Smart, Marisa Peer, Miles Davis & much more.

It goes without saying that if these incredible individuals would have been given an opportunity to develop leadership skills & self-confidence at a very young age, their long road to success would have been shorter and easier.

And now you have such a chance with A+ Smart Little Leaders™ Program.

©2020 All right Reserved

11 Ways to Beat Your Fear of Public Speaking

11 Ways To Beat Your Fear Of Public Speaking

11 Ways To Beat Your Fear Of Public Speaking

We all have fears that we want to overcome.

However, fear is the natural reaction of our brain regarding an upcoming danger.

The body and mind react to Danger using something called “Fight or Flight”

It’s normal to have fear when you are standing on the edge of the high peak of the mountain, or when you see a big forest fire that is moving toward you. That’s when our mind cry’s FLIGHT!

However, it’s not natural to have fear when you speaking in front of people.

It’s normal to be nervous to some degree but not to feel scared to death.

So, how can you overcome this type of fear?

Here are the long-awaited 11 Ways To Beat Your Fear Of Public Speaking.

  1. First of all, you must have a very Strong Intention (Not a Desire!) to do so.
  2. You must put Action into place.
  3. Prepare your speech to 100%. Know your speech so perfectly that if someone wakes you in the middle of a night and asks you to present your speech, you can do it right away. Knowing your speech well will provide important self-confidence.
  4. Present your speeches in front of an audience as often as possible. The more speeches you present, less scary it becomes!
  5. Present 10 of your speeches in front of a small audience. Only after that should you go to speak to a larger audience with the same confidence.
  6. Boost your self-confidence by speaking aloud: saying, “I don’t care about this upcoming event!” 

Your Doubt might say: “The big people are going to be in the audience.”

Repeat aloud to yourself many times: “I don’t care, so what? I will prepare very well and practice every day, all will be fine.

This is different from ignoring your fear.

7. Do your best, practice at home every day and be prepared well with your speech, this knowledge will release your fear and will give self-confidence.

8. Enjoy yourself!  Yes, you will present your speech…and what so special about it? It’s a NEW normal thing for you.

9. Say your affirmations aloud to yourself when you relaxed and calm at home.    Change your fear to excitement. Fear and excitement are actually the same feelings. Every time you feel afraid, you can feel EXCITED instead. How?

Take a deep breath, and smile with a big happy smile, then start moving around, back and forth. This way you will get excitement and relief by doing exercise such a walking, or stand in one place and bring your arms all the way down, that you can touch your feet easily. Do it until you feel good and fear has left you. This technique works because you actually combine deep breathing, smiling and exercising all in one at the same time. It works, you will see. 

10. Distract yourself with Humor. When you know your speech 100% and for no reason get afraid before you go to the stage, distract yourself, go and talk with someone about something not related to your speech. Joke around and talk funny so that you can laugh and make someone laugh along with you. A good joke and a good laugh prior to your speech will help you relax and create a positive & fearless mood.

 11. It may help to calm your anxiety & fear of public speaking to take the following natural herbal remedies such as St. John Wort Tincture, Valerian Root Tincture or Hops Tincture.



The St. John Wort Tincture you can take at any time as it will not make you to sleep.

St. John Wort

The Valerian Root or Hops Tincture you should take before you go to bed. On the day of your speech, it may help you reduce your stress and anxiety.


Each of you is created unique and different!  I did my best to provide you with more than enough public speaking fear killing remedies for you to choose from.

I will be very curious to know what technique worked best for you? Leave your reply in the comments below. You will brighten my day with the good news that my article helped you to kill your fear of public speaking.

Live Long, Stay Strong.