Category Archives: Service

Subscription VOD Distribution (SVOD)

Film Distribution. Subscription VOD Distribution (SVOD)

Film Distribution. Subscription VOD Distribution (SVOD)

Subscription Video On Demand allows subscribers to sign up for a service, pay a monthly fee and in exchange, have access to unlimited programming. This model is great for consumers because, well, they can watch anything. Getting your title onto an SVOD platform could be great for discovery.

Netflix: How to Distribute You Movie on Netflix

Netflix will not make an offer for your movie unless they are interested in your movie. Think of Netflix the same way you think about HBO or Showtime. And like all premium subscription channels, they want movies with a strong “name” cast, social media stars and stuff that won major festival awards.

If your movie meets these criteria, your best bet for Netflix (assuming you are in their database) is working with an aggregator with a track record for negotiating great deals with them. As a possible downside, unless you strike a great licensing deal you may be a little disheartened if your title gets a million views and you have not seen a dime.

Amazon Prime: How to Distribute You Movie on Amazon Prime

Going beyond their TVOD service, Amazon has expanded their product offering to include an SVOD service called Amazon Prime. Through Amazon Prime, filmmakers can make their movies available for discovery. And Unlike Netflix, Amazon Prime actually pays you every time your movie is streamed!

While this is equal to pennies on the dollar (you net roughly 5 cents per stream), having your movie available to millions of subscribers could potentially add up.

by Jason Brubaker

Film Distribution. VOD Distribution

Film Distribution. VOD Distribution

Film Distribution. VOD Distribution

While it is possible that your film will be the next breakout hit, it is more likely that your work will end up in Amazon, iTunes, Hulu and other VOD platforms.

When it comes to VOD distribution, there are two ways to go:

  • Traditional Model: Give up a portion of your movie ownership to a traditional distributor or VOD aggregator and allow them to control your VOD distribution.
  • Modern Model: Pay for VOD distribution as a service. Reap the rewards of cutting out the traditional middle-man and retain ownership.

It is important to know that your VOD distribution strategy will fall into three models, including Transactional VOD, Subscription VOD, and Ad-Supported VOD. Today we will talk about Transactional VOD Distribution.    

Transactional VOD Distribution (TVOD)

Transactional VOD people can only watch your movie after they make a purchase. In addition to Cable VOD, platforms such as Amazon and iTunes make transactions easy. By keeping customer credit cards on file, prospective viewers are only a few clicks away from watching your movie. Amazon: How to Get Your Film Into Amazon Instant Video

In the past, filmmakers could utilize Amazon’s CreateSpace to access Amazon. And while CS is still an okay option if you want to sell a DVD, the service does not encode for high definition content. This limitation, coupled with an inability to access Amazon Prime makes CS a less than a satisfactory option. For this reason, I do not recommend CreateSpace for VOD distribution.

If you want to make your HD content available through Amazon VOD distribution, you will have to go through an Amazon-approved aggregator.

iTunes: How to Distribute You Movie on iTunes

iTunes is one of the most popular destinations for both filmmakers and movie-loving audiences. Similar to Amazon, getting your title into iTunes will require that you utilize a distributor or aggregator.

Keep in mind that iTunes only wants content that will look great on Apple devices. As a consequence, iTunes has some of the highest standards for encoding. So don’t be surprised if your movie doesn’t pass QC on the first attempt. This is common and the encoding house should be able to fix most issues in-house.

by Jason Brubaker

Film Distribution. What do you need to know!

Film Distribution. What do you need to know!
“The general rule of thumb: This is not an absolute, but you don’t want to sign a contract with either one of these people for the whole world. Film Sales Agents are not that good at securing domestic deals (with some exceptions, of course), and most Producer Reps are equally useless for the international territories. All a Producer Rep can do for the international territories is connect you with a Sales Agent for this — which you can do yourself! It’s not that difficult. Really. It is not difficult if you have a decent movie or it’s the right genre. If you let a Producer Rep connect you with a Sales Agent, then you’re just giving up another slice of your pie to another middleman.
[Side Note: Not to confuse you, but the only good reason to NOT split up your domestic and international rights when making deals, will be when a major studio or mini-major comes calling because they’ll want worldwide rights if available.]
So it’s important to know the distinctions above, and important to know who you’ve been approached by and what they want to do. You don’t want to: a) Contract and lock up rights with someone that won’t do you any good for certain markets; and b) Contract and lock up rights with someone who will just be a second middleman eating more of your pie.”
by Jerome Courshon

What are the 5 Key Reasons for investing in film?

So, what are the 5 Key Reasons for investing in independent film?
1. Money (the potential of high returns during the short period of time and the lifetime).
2. Multiple Channels of distribution ( theatrical releases, TV, DVDs, VOD, with the domestic and international rights, syndication).
3. Fun Process, the glamour of being involved with a film
4. Because investor believes in the Message of the Film.
5. Opportunity to be a Producer and to be directly involved in film production, the power and the influence in the decision-making process.

OK, What is the reason #6?

You can leave your answer in the comments below.

Reason #2 Why it’s safe to invest in an independent film?

Reason #2 Why it’s safe to invest in an independent film?

Because the benefits go far beyond the sales of the box office tickets: DVD/Blu-Ray sales, television airings, Video on Demand (VOD) subscriptions, the sale of merchandise all count towards the profits that a film makes. And the good news that it can continue to generate a profit for a lifetime. Now think of it: can you recall any other business where you can have fast and long-term (lifetime) profits with investing just a few grants? There simply is no business with manufacturing capital entry requirements as low as motion pictures where the potential return can be as unlimited over the short, medium and long terms.
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